Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Changing my mind

In more ways than one. I had written a post about today's market convulsions, as I've been glued to the Internet this morning, reading fascinating and frightening commentary about what's happening. But I notice that each time I do that, I ruin my enjoyment of the day and skew my perspective on life in detrimental ways, so I think instead, I will let the world's economies do what they're going to do, and head out to a community garden planning/seed ordering meeting with the kids. It is, after all, a glorious day here, and in many other places in the world. And gardening is the best antidote for economic crises, both in spirit and in pratical returns! So I'm changing my mind -- all *is* well, sun is shining, children and chickens are happy, and I feel much better realizing all that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep; I think that's the saving grace; let those we elected take care of fixing this mess that they've been dealt.

Don't watch "The Corporation"; you'll really get pissed off!!!

Happy Gardening and love to all.

xo, Aunt T